Designed by Machines : Assembled by Slaves
Who would have thought, in the latter part of 1992, that minds immesurably superior to our own
were watching Perth with envious eyes?
Dresden are a silicon-based music performance troupe, firmly in the retrogardist camp,
with heavy transhumanist influences. Dresden neither perform live nor release physical media of their
compositions, relying on the expanding electronic frontier for all contact with humanity.
Describing Dresden as a collective entity is somewhat misleading. The band consist of a constantly variant number
of self-modifying neural-net configurations: essentially demi-organic software. Their origins are shrouded in
mystery, but are almost certainly extra-terrestrial.
In August 1992, the following e-mail message appeared in certain accounts on machines operating within
a localised geographical region in Perth's western suburbs. One such account was held by the founder (we shall
refer to him as "Bob")
of the "record label" Ideological Sound which, to that point, had released precisely nothing. The full
text of the message (sans header) is reproduced here:
"555.8.145.103" is not, of course, a valid IP address (it is of the format normally reserved for fictional IP addresses in
motion pictures). Nevertheless, when "Bob" posted a somewhat curt note, the mailer
managed to deliver it somewhere. The stream of electronic communication which followed led to the "signing"
of Dresden to Ideological Sound in November 1992. Since that date, the band have produced an EP, two
singles and an album, all available exclusively from the Ideological Sound web page. They have established
a fanatical cult-like following in both Europe and Japan, and
have recently been played on college radio across the US. Contact has been made.
We are dRES-den. It is our aim to establish contact with a wide sector of populace. Popular music is a powerful,
perhaps the most powerful medium in the world today. We intend to use popular music to make contact.
You have been chosen to assist us. Please respond if you are willing.
Ideological Sound is a Virtual Corporation
Web Page Design by Fustian in Fuligin, a Webwright Studios imprint.