The interzone virtual republic will begin operating an alternative dns service
for the Top Level Domain ".iz" by the end of this year.

2001 (01-January):
The interzone virtual republic will be formally Constituted on this, the first day of
the third millenium of the Western calendar.

The republic will have begun sponsored and directly funded roll-outs of
internet connectivity, using "appropriate technology", into developing societies.

The republic will have begun to trade with host geo-states to supply members'
"social services" such as healthcare, housing assistance, dispute mediation,
public transportation etc.

The virtual republic would expect to reach a population base sufficient to
attain the equivalent of "sovereign nation status" within the United Nations by this date.
p h i l o s o p h y & i d e a l s
o p e n a g e n d a
p r o j e c t s
p a r t i c i p a t i o n
f a q

Interzone makes prominent
use of the word "FUCK"
to deny access to
ratings-based browsers.
