the datapool: a non dns-bound,
distributed, ddos-immune, secure and anonymous "Eternity Project" style data-file
sequestration and retrieval system (formerly "The Source", "").

freebase: a consumer-level online database creation, manipulation
and analysis suite assembled from Open Source components.

Sage: a web-of-trust implementation which automatically supplements
content with third parties resources such as definitions, opinions and price-guides.

Xchange: a secure, anonymous and straightforward web-based
"ecommerce" system to facilitate the exchange of goods, services
and currency implements.

Free Mars: a proposed International Treaty intended to guarantee
multinational management of and access to off-planet resources and territories.

www+: a selective and reorganised real-time mirror of the
world wide web, with automated abstracting, natural language searches and
a high level of user-feedback responsiveness.
p h i l o s o p h y & i d e a l s
o p e n a g e n d a
p r o j e c t s
p a r t i c i p a t i o n
f a q

Interzone makes prominent
use of the word "FUCK"
to deny access to
ratings-based browsers.
