Build 960309
# # # ## # # # ## ## ### # # # # # ### # #### ## ##### # # # # # # # # ### #### # # # ##### # # ##### ##### # ## # # ## # # # # # ##### -------------------------------------------------------------- The Official INTERZONE : CLUB INDUSTRIAL Electronic Newsletter -------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD 960309 "101 Kewl Things You Can Do With Cyberspace" -- #83: Coin a new word I just realised that I'm making history every time I put one of these things out. junkmail is unlike any newsletter I've been involved with in the past in that it will, just about automatically, be preserved for all time in about thirty electronic warehouses aournd the Net within a week of it being written (Lycos, Alta Vista, Webcrawler, and on). Who said anything about the electronic world being ephemeral? This is _carved in stone_! Check this out: a cheap shot at immortality. I'm going to coin a word. I've searched the Net for any previous usage: there is none (at least that I can find). So: here's a cut-out-n-keep, genuine new word. -- cut here, paste into a file and load that into your (live online) browser-- Ahem. Well. It's been a busy month-and-a-bit since the last junkmail. I was kinda keen during that first week, huh? And look: it _didn't_ last. This is really an "I've got nothing much to tell you, other than that there's not much to tell" missive. I hope lots of people have joined the list since last I posted so this won't be hopelessly dull to everyone who reads it. Feedback would be uplifting. Cya, JEREMY (Jeremy G Byrne) NEWS------------------------------------------------------------------------ junkmail@midnight.com.au: ------------------------- Interzone's Electronic Mailing List is operational! This wonder of modern technology waits--humming and buzzing weirdly to itself in the perpetual darkness of midnight.com.au--to serve all your postal needs (well, to distribute your messages to the all the subscribers to the Mailing List and JUNK:MAIL anyhow). There are two components to the Mailing List: the List itself (the email address where you can send stuff for automagical distribution to all those deserving folx out there) and the List Server (the email address where you can send administrative commands to get on or off the list, to find out how many people are on it, get help about it and eventually retreive files from it). The List is "junkmail@midnight.com.au" and the List Server is "netslave@midnight.com.au". Don't get these confused, or you'll look like a complete bunny. How do you use it? Well, it's no more complex than programming your VCR! o TO SUBSCRIBE: Post to netslave@midnight.com.au with "SUBSCRIBE [address] junkmail" (where [address] is the email address of the person you wish to add to the Mailing List) as the body of the message (don't put anything else in there, including your .sig!) o TO UNSUBSCRIBE: Post to netslave@midnight.com.au with "UNSUBSCRIBE [address] junkmail" (where [address] is the email address of the person you wish to zap from the Mailing List) as the body of the message. o TO GET HELP: Post to netslave@midnight.com.au with "HELP" in the body of the message. This will return a complete list of wonderful things that the List Server can do for you (which I won't go into here). Note that junkmail@ is not the only List that netslave@ handles. o TO SPREAD THE WORD: Anything and everything you post to junkmail@midnight.com.au will be duplicated and posted back to everyone on the Mailing List. Please don't abuse this: there are folx out there paying for bandwidth! At some stage in the future there may be a need to establish a separate list for JUNK:MAIL subscribers who do not wish to receive all the postings to the junkmail@ list. If you feel you fall into this category, please post to interzone@midnight.com.au and we'll try to work something out. Dominion Social Club: --------------------- Dominion are not currently able to operate the nightclub venue at 158 William Street (it's the same fascist PCC which caused IZ so much grief). They _are_ running other events, which is important in that it demonstrates that the Club is not just a nightclub (and will thus qualify within 12 months for a liquor licence, which will ensure its long-term survival). Mike O'Brien has produced a second "Domain" mailout which I sadly seem not to have to hand. Damn; I was going to type some of the details of the events in here. Ah well. Call Mike on 061 (09) 381 9252. How do you join? The simplest way might be to visit Alysian Empire (Second Floor, 158 William Street) and fill out the required form. Otherwise, post to PO Box 7014 Shenton Park 6008. Membership gets you the newsletter and discounts on entry. When it's running, the nightclub runs weekly on a Saturday Night (8PM on). WARNING: this is a Social Club, not a public Nightclub. You _must_ be a member ($5.00), or you'll only be able to get in as the guest of a member. Entry is $4 (members) / $6 (guests). Looks like Interzone wasn't too expensive after all :) Still, you can't knock the rock-bottom softdrink prices at the club. Excellent. Clan Perth: ----------- Members of a number of Perth Electronic/Industrial Bands have announced plans to establish a Clan Analogue (http://sysx.apana.org.au/clan/) branch in Perth. This collective, originating in Sydney but with branches worldwide, exists to promote and coordinate electronic musicians, artists and DJs. Clan Perth will run a regular event to showcase the talents of its members. The current favoured venue is the Old Customs House, Freo. The group ran a successful and entertaining private party on XMas Eve 95 which was reminiscent of the very best of Interzone's "Wasteland" gigs. Interested? Post to interzone@midnight.com.au and we'll pass your message on. Hey: when we hear back from the Clan over East, I'll let you know. Not a very _efficient_ collective. VIEWS----------------------------------------------------------------------- Club Reviews: ------------- Who's playing what around Perth? What are the crowds like? Does anyone go to The Planet anymore? If you've got an opinion, why not vent it on the rest of us? Shit, we'll publish just about anything (see below...) The Dominion Apocalypse Party, NYE95: ------------------------------------- "Goths Just Wanna Have Fun" This review is a bit old now, but nothing's come along to replace it (I should go out more). Dominion has been pretty consistent since NYE (I've missed one night, and arrived too late on the last night). "Tardis" is pretty much the same, with Adrian ("Atro Boy") trying a bit of beat-mixing and playing some interesting hard-trance and techno-industrial. I haven't been to Planet for months. Anyone else? Music Programs: --------------- JUNK:MAIL is looking to provide tracklists & background material on local radio programs (Darkwings, Drivetime, Vortex, 100FM's efforts etc.) If you are or know a local Radio DJ, we'd really appreciate a regular playlisting and commentary. It just might raise the profile of the show (yeah, right). New Music: ---------- Does anyone actually like "Hardwired"? Is there any new Goth-Dance worth listening to? If you've just heard something you're sure should become anutterclassic, let us all know. JUNK:MAIL is looking for up-to-date music reviews ranging from Technopop to Darkwave.So, be one of the kewlest d00dZ around, and see your name up in 10point Courier. Who knows, you could find yourself reviewing for "Angel Spit" before you know it! LIES------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bye bye to the Infirmary: ------------------------- That T-head retreat which sprang from the loins of Firm II has apparently changed hands. Anyone got the dirt? IZ STUFF-------------------------------------------------------------------- The Great Venue Hunt: --------------------- Interzone is currently in hibernation, seeking an appropriate venue. We need a sizeable venue with an Accommodation Notice for at least 300 people (when running as a Nightclub). Our massive losses in the Murray Street venue (mainly due to our sizeable investment in plumbing, aircon,emergency lights, fire systems etc.) has left us very reticent to spend big on a decorating a new venue, so it should be usable with no more than a few hundred dollars worth of changes.This is a hard ask, we know. Nevertheless we're confident we will find a venue (maybe with your help) by mid-96. In the meantime, go to Dominion! Into the Interzone: ------------------- Well, these days Interzone burns brightest in the dataflow. With the club in hibernation, our electronic presence is about all we can offer. For those of you with more time than sense, here are Interzone's online details in one handy reference: E-MAIL: interzone@midnight.com.au LISTSERV: netslave@midnight.com.au (for info/subs/help re. the List) MAILING LIST: junkmail@midnight.com.au (for posting to the whole List) WWW: http://www.midnight.com.au/interzone/ --------------------------------POSTSCRIPT---------------------------------- WHO IS JEREMY G BYRNE AND WHY IS HE SENDING THESE TERRIBLE THINGS TO ME? Well might you ask.I guess I'm kinda the online Interzone contact, in that I maintain the website,this august publication and the Mailing List, and I answer correspondance directed to our email account. You're getting this because I've discovered your email address in some ancient communication linking you with Interzone (it might have been the old Mailing List, the list we collected at "The Terminal Birthday Party" in March 95, or it may have been some other, even more obscure source). If you don't want to get this junk any more, please UNSUBSCRIBE (see NEWS:junkmail) or post me an angry message. Who knows, I might even do something about it. Incidentally, "Junk" was the Interzone Magazine, which has yet to see the light of day. Until it does, JUNK:MAIL will just have to suffice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Skinspace [f. SKIN sb. + SPACE sb.]
spèis) sb. orig. .au 1996. [Quoting originator : "The concept arose through my incorrectly speculating about what might be the concept behind Stelarc's "The Shedding of Skin" Performance piece, which sounds a lot cooler than it actually turns out to be."]
That place where the hardware and software which conceptualise cyberspace reside, and the biological components which conceptualise many of its older people are sustained. Previously "offline", "the real world" (a pre-TNC subjectivist misapprehension concerning actuality and truth [cf.] ), "meatspace" (alluding to the biological brain/body). Reflects the surface-fixation of those who were once limited to it, and alludes to the prejudical judgements which arose as a result of this unsuccessful behaviouro-philosophical algorithm and which often involved surface colouration, fundamental bio-genderset characteristics, physical aesthetics etc.