Build 960625

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       The Official INTERZONE : CLUB INDUSTRIAL Electronic Newsletter
                                                         BUILD 960625

Just a short Build to correct some of the more glaring omissions in 920621
(I spent far too much energy ranting and far too little proofing, I'm


NEWS & VIEWS----------------------------------------------------------------

  I neglected to mention the location of the EMAS homepage (just a place
  holder at this stage, but perhaps an attraction for the future). For those
  not reading this on the Web, the URL (as per the "Further" flyer) is: 

  And to save you playing musical answering machines on Friday, "Further"
  will be held at the Hellenic Centre in Stirling Street. Tickets are $10
  for members and $15 for the uninitiated (and will almost certainly be sold
  out by the door) from places like Atrocity, Raggabone and Central Station.

  Dominion Social Club:
  The Dominion reopening was somewhat less permanent than I understood.
  Apparently the final approval has not yet been given, and the next show
  won't be until July 6th, by which time, once agin, they hope to have their

  The night itself was surprisingly good, with the venue looking slightly
  better (whether that's a good thing is debatable) and becoming slightly
  more packed (despite the failure of the publicity machine to generate a
  newsletter) than the last few times it has run. The music sidestepped
  cheesy nu-goth and actually included some hard trance (a gold star to DJ
  Nath), and the Children of the Night were out in their finest. In what
  must be a first for many moons, Perth Goths once again danced to the Pet
  Shop Boys as Claudine played "Hallo Spaceboy" (OK, so it's Bowie)--one of
  the more popular choonz of the evening--and Cubanate continues to be a
  recurring fave. Hey; maybe one day they might even buy a dancefloor.


  Wayne's World III:
  Has anyone else seen the "Ascension" flyer? If you too were puzzled, I'll
  let you in on the secret: it took place at the old Infirmary on Friday,
  although if you came across this Portrait of a Cellulite Angel (imagine
  a Goth version of the _Psalm 69_ cover: white on black) at, say, Atrocity
  then you might have had a hard time figuring that out. Apparently about
  half a dozen had the addresses written in the margin in biro, but mine
  didn't. Perhaps the important people knew already.

  I know I seem to be down on Wayne all the time. I promise I'll give it a
  rest, as soon as somebody more amusing comes along. :)

IZ STUFF--------------------------------------------------------------------

  Into the Interzone:
  Well, these days Interzone burns brightest in the dataflow. With the club
  in hibernation, our electronic presence is about all we can offer. For
  those of you with more time than sense, here are Interzone's online
  details in one handy reference:

  E-MAIL:        interzone@midnight.com.au
  LISTSERV:      netslave@midnight.com.au (for info/subs/help re. the List)
  MAILING LIST:  junkmail@midnight.com.au (for posting to the whole List)
  WWW:           http://www.midnight.com.au/interzone/


       junkmail@midnight.com.au: Interzone's Electronic Mailing List

  This wonder of modern technology waits--humming and buzzing weirdly to
  itself in the perpetual darkness of midnight.com.au--to serve all your
  postal needs (well, to distribute your messages to the all the subscribers
  to the Mailing List and JUNK:MAIL anyhow).

  In future, if you want to know about junkmail@, either post to
  netslave@midnight.com.au with "HELP" as the body of the message, or check
  out the earlier junk:mail builds on the Web at:

