HISTORY (Timeline)
Interzone "Events" to date
18-Mar-94 - "00:Pilot:19:03:94"
16-Apr-94 - "01:Premiere:16:04:94"
30-Apr-94 - "02:Interzone:30:04:94"
19-Nov-94 - Untitled Saturday (weekly from this point)
15-Dec-94 - Thursday Night Interzone
24-Dec-94 - A Daisy Chain for Santa
31-Dec-94 - Control-Alt-Delete
18-Dec-94 - Tumbleweed Gig (Sunday)
01-Feb-95 - Smut #1 (Wednesday)
15-Feb-95 - Exaltation (Wednesday)
25-Feb-95 - Jelly That Rips (Saturday 5:30PM to 10:30PM)
01-Mar-95 - Smut #2 (Wednesday)
18-Mar-95 - In the Fishbowl (Saturday 5:30PM to 10:30PM) & "Terminal Birthday" (the final Interzone)
INTERZONE: History (Timeline)