Nationality is not Identity. Greed is not Good. The Truth is not Out There.

You are not a job, a target demographic, a genome, a flag, or a faith.
You are free to chose your friends, your neighbours, your home and your people.
You can talk to anyone. You can believe in anything. You can go anywhere.

And you are not alone.

The interzone virtual republic is a society of individuals who have renounced or intend to renounce
their citizenship in any and all geographically-based States, and who work towards replacing the
valid functions of those States from collectively-held resources.
p h i l o s o p h y & i d e a l s
o p e n a g e n d a
p r o j e c t s
p a r t i c i p a t i o n
f a q

i believe that we'll conceive
to make in hell for us a heaven
a brave new world, a promised land
a fortitude of hearts and minds
